Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty, an Empirical Study in Indonesia Consumers
Brand, brand loyalty, Brand Satisfaction, Brand Trust
ABSTRACT: Brand loyalty has become an important issue in marketing. There are many research has been conducted to examine this issue. Brand loyalty is part of relationship marketing. In the theory of relationship marketing, there is a strong correlation between brand loyalty, trust in a brand and commitment. This research analyses the effects of brand reputation, brand predictability, brand satisfaction, brand liking, brand experience, trust in the company and brand competence to brand loyalty, with trust in a brand as a mediating variable. This model use a model proposed by Lau and Lee (2000). Lau and Lee (2000) use this model to measure consumer’s loyalty in a low involvement product. This research uses a different setting. My setting is in a high involvement product, which is cellular phone consumer. This research uses non-random sampling methods (convenience sampling) in order to gain data. I collect 150 respondent, but only 134 questionnaires are complete. After conduct an out layer test I have only 109 respondent left to analyze. To analyze the data, this research uses hierarchical regression analyses. The result shows that only to variables have significant effect to brand loyalty, they are consumer’s trust in a company and brand satisfaction. While, the hypotheses that trust in brand is a mediating variable is support. The managerial implications of this research are, first, a company which produces a high involvement product must conduct an effective marketing communication with their costumer. Second, a company should increase their service so that consumer’s will satisfy with their brand.
How to Cite
A Setyawan, A., Kussudiyarsana, & Imronudin. (2016). Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty, an Empirical Study in Indonesia Consumers. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(3), 37-47. Retrieved from
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