The Influence of Cultural Factors on Consumer Buying Behaviour (A Case Study of Pork)

  • Akpan
  • Sunday John
Keywords: Age, Buying Behaviour, Cultural Factors, Income, Pork


Cultural factors are examined to see how they affect the purchase of pork in Nigeria. Data for the study are obtained through structured questionnaire administered by the researcher and some research assistants. A total of 82 questionnaires are administered out of which 70 are duly filled and returned. Tools used for statistical analysis include Statistical Package for Social Sciences. SPSS 17, Microsoft Excel (2015), Multiple Regression Analysis and Relative Important Index (RII). Findings reveal that cultural variables exert significant influences on the purchase and consumption of pork. The study also found that aside from the cultural factors, age and income also affect the quantity of pork purchased and consumed. Based on these findings the study concludes that cultural factors, age and income influence the quantity of pork purchased and consumed. The study then recommends that these factors should not be taken for granted; rather they should be identified and studied since purchase and consumption of pork are based on them.
How to Cite
Akpan, & John, S. (2016). The Influence of Cultural Factors on Consumer Buying Behaviour (A Case Study of Pork). British Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(6), 44-57. Retrieved from