The Impact of Social Marketing on Customer Knowledge in Jordan Communication Companies (Applied Study)

  • Ali Falah Al-zoubi
  • OmarAbuHamida
  • Tariq Hashim
Keywords: Applications, Communication Companies, Customer Knowledge, Jordan, Social Marketing


This study will explore the extent of applying social marketing in Jordan’s communication companies, its impact on the customer knowledge, the research community contained the Jordanian citizens live in the capital Amman, and how they deal with two companies: Zain and Orange. A simple random sample was taken consisted of citizens dealing with communication companies in Jordan, as the questionnaire is distributed to them for scientific research purposes. The study reached many results, the most important are: communication companies in Jordan apply social marketing concept, and they do not apply the social marketing concept in the following fields: the social, scientific, healthy and religious. Communication companies in Jordan apply social marketing concept in many fields, such as the environmental, sport and in public services sector. Communication companies’ application in Jordan affects the social responsibility in marketing on the customer knowledge. The study proposed many recommendations, such as communication companies should define their presented services to the community aiming at increasing the customer knowledge and focusing on paying attention to various social fields, the most important one is the religious aspect as it is most significant interest in sample individual’s point of view. Also, providing financial allocations suitable for implementing programs and plans of social marketing , and making another studies on study subject, by applying on other vital sectors aiming at showing the role of social marketing and its importance in affecting the customer knowledge in various fields which can give them great benefit.
How to Cite
Falah Al-zoubi, A., OmarAbuHamida, & Hashim, T. (2017). The Impact of Social Marketing on Customer Knowledge in Jordan Communication Companies (Applied Study). British Journal of Marketing Studies, 5(7), 23-41. Retrieved from