Factors Influencing Online Marketing Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Dong Nai Province

  • Phan Thanh Tam and Nguyen Van Dung
Keywords: E-Commerce, Internet, Marketing and LHU, online, SMEs


Nowadays, the Internet is covering almost every corner of the places in Vietnam and it makes the transmission of information much faster. In The number of internet users is up to 80% and over 70% of internet users go to the net for information. With so much search content, the content is there, it's really great. Besides, online marketing is a way to advertise the products and services that will save enterprises a lot of money compared to traditional marketing. Online marketing campaigns can be easily measured and evaluated to be able to draw lessons for the following campaigns. Effectiveness comes quickly (eg, enterprises hire banner ads on a reputable website. So many visitors will find out information on enterprises’ website.); and Broad range of marketing is not limited, information flow is rich, diverse in form. Customers can find the information they want anytime and anywhere, just the internet. Moreover, the research results showed that there were 300 customers who interviewed and answered about 15 questions. The Data collected from 05/07/2016 to 15/07/2017 in Dong Nai province. The researcher had analyzed Cronbach’s alpha, KMO test, the result of KMO analysis used for multiple regression analysis. The research results were processed from SPSS 20.0 software. Finally, the researchers have recommendations supporting the sustainable development of online marketing development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Dong Nai province.
How to Cite
Thanh Tam and Nguyen Van Dung, P. (2017). Factors Influencing Online Marketing Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Dong Nai Province. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 5(7), 42-50. Retrieved from https://bjmsjournal.org/index.php/bjms/article/view/201