The Customer’s Desire and Online Effective Advertisements in Social Media (Case Study: Instagram Users)
Commercial Message, Instagram Advertisements, Online Social Media, Purchase Intention
Today Online social media is an inevitable part of consumers’ modern life.. Every day, more consumers use the internet for acquiring information related to their needs and purchases. Despite the fact that the social media increase commercial incomes and purchases, the conducted studies about them and effective factors on advertisement effectiveness in online spaces are limited and many users leave the social media due to advertisements. This study is sought to investigate one of the moderating factors on effectiveness of advertisement using DAGMAR model in online space. The survey method and questionnaire have been used. The population of the study includes Instagram users at the age range of 20-50 years old during the time period of spring 2018.384 questionnaires were distributed among available users. This number was calculated through the Cochran formula. Using structural equations model and PLS software, the data were analyzed. The results indicated the effect of customers’ tendency for receiving commercial messages on their leading to purchase and effectiveness of online advertisement has a mediating role.
How to Cite
Homa and Razavi Satvati Shadi, D. (2018). The Customer’s Desire and Online Effective Advertisements in Social Media (Case Study: Instagram Users). British Journal of Marketing Studies, 6(6), 27-39. Retrieved from
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