Impulse Buying Components in Grocery (LMT) Stores Lahore Pakistan
impulse buying, promotional approaches ‘Attractive display of product, Store environment and brand promoter convincing
The buying of grocery without any planning to do so in advance this is a suddenly buying whim or impulse this paper explores the effect of promotional approaches; attractive display of product; store environment and brand promoter convincing on (IB) impulse buying. This paper used the primary data. The data is collected from the public who are coming for shopping in grocery departmental stores in Lahore Pakistan through filling a questioner. The results shows Impulse buying affected from the predictor’s variables, the alternate hypothesis are accepted. This study is focused only for impulsive buying for Grocery purchasing but there are many other things which can be considered. The study is beneficial for making a different selling & retailing decisions.
How to Cite
M Arslan, S. (2019). Impulse Buying Components in Grocery (LMT) Stores Lahore Pakistan. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 6(6), 59-70. Retrieved from
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