Consumer Purchase Behavior: Potential Markets in Argentina for Brazilian E-Book Retailers

  • Mathias Freire de Carvalho
  • Murillo de Oliveira Dias
Keywords: Competitive Advantage, consumer purchase behavior, E-Books


Traditional teaching materials, especially books and academic texts, fail to keep up with the increasing demands of the newly hyperconnected students in Latin America. It could represent an opportunity for retailers and publishers, in order to reposition their brands, through innovative strategic offers of digital products and services. This research considered the Argentinian macro-environment and characteristics of the sub-section of academic publishers. The structural factors of the proposed product in the subsegment supply chain, as well as the proposed positioning and potential competitive advantages in the microenvironment. Corresponding aspects to the adoption potential and usage continuity of the product (e-Book or e-Textbook) for the proposed subsegment. Primary data was gathered from a survey conducted with undergraduate and graduate students. This work provides a knowledge framework, so that companies - based on the proposed study, might develop action plans destined to position their brands in the identified subsegment in Argentina, solidifying the positioning next to the academic consumer. Discussion, research limitations, and future research compile this work.
How to Cite
Freire de Carvalho, M., & de Oliveira Dias, M. (2019). Consumer Purchase Behavior: Potential Markets in Argentina for Brazilian E-Book Retailers. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 7(1), 1-25. Retrieved from