Effectiveness of Product Packaging on Customer Patronage of Bournvita in Ekiti State
Colour, Customer patronage, Packaging, packaging material, quality of product content and shape, Size
The study examined the effectiveness of product packaging on customer patronage. Survey method was adopted. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and purposive sampling was used to determine respondents. Sample size of 322 was used. Collected data were analysed using descriptive statistics and hierarchical multiple regression. Constructs tested as explanatory variables were product size, colour, quality of packaging material, quality of product content and shape. The results showed that all the tested variables have significant positive effects on customer patronage of Bournvita. In order of significant, the R2 change, in order of hierarch, for the variables was: product size =.215, quality of packaging material =.058, colour = .049, shape =.044, and quality of product content = .028. It was concluded that customer decision to patronise could be influenced by taken into consideration size, colour, package material, product content and shape of a product. Based on these findings, it is recommended, among others, that producing different sizes of the product should be a continuous practice that firm should undertake. As well, producers should consciously adopt colours suitable and capable of appealing to customer interest and consequently influence their choice of a product by mere sighting of the package colour.
How to Cite
Adebisi, S.O., Akinruwa, & T.E. (2019). Effectiveness of Product Packaging on Customer Patronage of Bournvita in Ekiti State. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 7(2), 1-14. Retrieved from https://bjmsjournal.org/index.php/bjms/article/view/242
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