Information and Communication Technology Applications and Service Quality of Federal Universities in Nigeria

  • Osagie Leslie Uwabora
  • Justie O. Nnabukob
  • Ezechirinum Amadic
Keywords: Information Communication Technology, Service Quality, marketing, academic performance


The study examined the correlation between information and communication technology applications and service quality in federal universities in Nigeria. In line with the objectives of the study, three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the research. The theoretical foundation is on the resource-based theory which emphasises the role of organisations’ resources as a foundation for its strategy. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. The population size was six hundred and fifty-five Senate members from the five federal universities in Nigeria. A sample size of 250 university senate members was used while sample size for the study was statistically calculated using Taro Yamane formula. A purposive random sampling technique was further used to distribute the sample size across the five federal universities selected. A structured questionnaire based on the five-point Likert scale was used in data collection. Frequency tables were used in analysing both the demographic data of the respondents and to answer research questions, while Kendall tau_b was employed in testing the three hypotheses formulated. All the null hypotheses formulated were rejected. The findings, therefore, revealed that; a significant relationship exists between web portal services and academic performance in universities, e-registration significantly affects academic performance in universities and a significant relationship exist between e-learning and academic performance in universities in Nigeria. Also, it was agreed by the university senate that e-registration is effectively used to reduce the time spent on the registration and payment of fees, maintains efficient database of students’ payments, and helps to speed up students’ payment and registration process, students are now able to access materials for study through the internet, and that the web portal services of their institution has enhanced the academic learning processes of students. It was concluded that it enables students to register from any location, improves the efficiency of data captures and saves time, minimises error and can allow extended periods of registration; it is cost efficient and self-sustaining. It was, therefore, recommended amongst others that, E-registration should be highly encouraged and embraced by universities, as it enhances the academic performance of students, and E-learning should be practised by both teaching staff and students as to enhance learning, as well as to encourage the use of information technology in Universities.
How to Cite
Leslie Uwabora, O., O. Nnabukob, J., & Amadic, E. (2019). Information and Communication Technology Applications and Service Quality of Federal Universities in Nigeria. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 7(5), 1-23. Retrieved from