Sports Structures for Delivering Sports Events: A Report of Sports Teams from São Paulo

  • Edson Coutinho da Silva
  • Alexandre Luzzi Las Casas
Keywords: sports structure, sports teams, sports marketing, sports events, supporters


The sports structure involves a complex set of actors to deliver a sports entertainment. This study aims to analyse the supporters view concerning the sports structure of the three teams from São Paulo and highlighting the similarities and difference among them according to their personal details. By and large, 704 questionnaires were administered in this exploratory study. The data collection was administered in nine matches. The report followed three steps: a report by chi-square tests from cross tables among four personal details; the selecting of the topic which achieved the significance; and mapping the supporters’ opinion. The results recognise that: Black Team’s supporters have a different view regarding the Green and Red Teams; income is a relevant detail for Black and Green Teams; the form of transport is the second more relevant for Black Team; sports venue is a crucial component for Black Team; and tournaments is a critical dimension.
How to Cite
Coutinho da Silva, E., & Luzzi Las Casas, A. (2019). Sports Structures for Delivering Sports Events: A Report of Sports Teams from São Paulo. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 7(6), 21-31. Retrieved from