Effect of Newspaper Advertisements on the Readership of the Voice Newspaper, Abakaliki, Nigeria
Advertisements, Effect, Newspaper, readership, The Voice Newspaper
This study investigated the effect of Newspaper advertisements on the readership of Newspaper with reference to The Voice Newspaper, Abakaliki. Survey research design was used. The population was two hundred (200) based on responses from ninety (90) readers of The Voice Newspaper Abakaliki, and one hundred and ten (110) staff of The Voice Newspaper drawn from the editorial, business and production departments. This work was anchored on affective response theory and persuasive response theory which maintained that consumers form their preferences based on pleasure, feelings or emotions arising from exposure to the message. However, it concluded that Newspapers advertisements have improved the The Voice Newspaper because the adverts attract reader’s attention, and also editors of The Voice Newspaper believe that their adverts will be read on their Newspapers and even when assigning stories to their Newspapers. Finally, it recommended that The Voice Newspaper should improve more by taking full advantages of new technologies in all phase of newspaper adverts, reporting and production.
How to Cite
Samuel, N., Nwafor, Ifesinachi, B., Jane Irene, N., Nwafor, Comfort, E., Chiamaka Eunice, U., Alice Mbang, A., Oraeme, & Stella. (2022). Effect of Newspaper Advertisements on the Readership of the Voice Newspaper, Abakaliki, Nigeria. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 7(6), 58-75. Retrieved from https://bjmsjournal.org/index.php/bjms/article/view/269
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