The Effect of Socio-Economic Factors on Sustainable Food Consumption in Developing Economies

  • Chioma Dilichukwu Ifeanyichukwu and Ireneus Chukwudi Nwaizugbo
Keywords: Consumption, Economic, sociological, sustainable foods


This study was aimed at determining socio-economic factors influencing sustainable food consumption in developing countries. Nigeria which is regarded as the ‘giant’ of Africa with a total population of over 200 million was used for the study. The growing global population has given an ardent need to focus specially on sustainability issues arising from food consumption. The Socio-economic domain dwells on food affordability while emphasizing the social acceptability of foods. Various economic and sociological theories such as Engels law, Keynesian theory and Veblenian theory were reviewed and previous empirical works in these areas discussed. Selected households from the south eastern part of Nigeria were used as respondents for the study and the formulated hypotheses tested with the use of multiple regression. Results reveal a significant relationship between product price, income and education, social groups and substitutes on food consumption. Findings were discussed and conclusions drawn thereof.
How to Cite
Dilichukwu Ifeanyichukwu and Ireneus Chukwudi Nwaizugbo, C. (2019). The Effect of Socio-Economic Factors on Sustainable Food Consumption in Developing Economies. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 7(7), 13-19. Retrieved from