Do Social Stereotypes Interfere In Business Negotiations
Business, Negotiation., stereotypes
Does an oversimplified idea about a person interfere in the business negotiation process? In this article, we addressed that puzzling question through a t-test of N=300 Brazilian business negotiations, aiming to provide scholars with a new perspective on business negotiations. We conducted an experiment dividing ten negotiation training sessions into two groups: m1 and m2, with 150 negotiations each group, totaling 600 participants. An independent-samples T-Test was applied to the collected data. Key findings pointed out a statistical significance on the alternate hypothesis, meaning that stereotypes interfere in the business negotiation process. Finally, the implications of these findings for managerial practice are discussed.
How to Cite
de Oliveira Dias and Raphael de Oliveira Albergarias Lopes, M. (2020). Do Social Stereotypes Interfere In Business Negotiations. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 8(4), 16-26.
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