Power Supply Fluctuation and Sales Performance of Frozen Foods Business: A Study of Aba Metropolis Nigeria

  • Ezenta
  • Ogemdi Nneoma
  • Osagie Leslie Uwabor
  • Okoroafor
  • Chimaeze
  • Ordu
  • Blessing Chinwe Nchelem
Keywords: alternative power supply, erratic power supply, Fluctuation, Power, Profitability, Sales performance, supply


One of the essential requirements for output growth in the frozen food business is adequate electricity supply. The electricity supply bane has brought about the acquisition of expensive power back up facilities in the form of plants, generators, and inverters to augment stable electricity supply. The study therefore, investigated power supply fluctuation and sales performance of frozen foods in Nigeria. In line with the objectives of the study, two hypotheses were formulated. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised of twenty (20) frozen food firms in Aba with a sample size of sixty (60) respondents which was conveniently drawn from our population of interest. A structured questionnaire based on the five-point Likert scale was used in data collection. Frequency and percentages were used in analysing both the personal data of the respondents.  While Kendall tau_b was employed in analyzing the hypotheses formulated. The findings revealed that a significant relationship exists between erratic power supply and profitability; alternative source of power supply and profitability. We therefore, recommended amongst others that, Government should encourage competition in the power sector, rather than the monopoly the electricity company is currently enjoying. They need to be proactive and embrace the renewable energy which would lead to decentralization of power supply, create more jobs, lead to lower costs, and cleaner environments.
How to Cite
Ezenta, Nneoma, O., Leslie Uwabor, O., Okoroafor, Chimaeze, Ordu, & Chinwe Nchelem, B. (2021). Power Supply Fluctuation and Sales Performance of Frozen Foods Business: A Study of Aba Metropolis Nigeria. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 9(3), 13-31. Retrieved from https://bjmsjournal.org/index.php/bjms/article/view/313