Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions: Application of Lodging Quality Index Model On Hotels in South East, Nigeria

  • Okocha
  • Rejoice Ebere
  • Agina
  • Emeka Kenechi
  • Ojiula
  • Uchemefuna Benjamin
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Hotels, LODQUAL, Nigeria, Service Quality


This study aimed to assess the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions of guests at selected 3-star hotels in Onitsha business district and Enugu metropolis in South East, Nigeria. Survey design was adopted for the study. The target populations were guests in the 3-star hotels from the ages of 18 years and above.  A structured questionnaire was administered to 200 guests of the hotels. The data collected were analyzed with descriptive statistics, such as frequency and percentages, and tested with Pearson Correlations to examine the nature of relationships between service quality dimensions, customer satisfaction, and behavioural intentions. The results show that the service quality dimensions; tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, confidence, communication, had strong relationships with customer satisfaction. The result equally revealed that customer satisfaction had a strong relationship with behavioural intentions. That is, the guests of the hotels were satisfied with the services, and are willing to recommend, revisit, and give positive reviews. Citation: Okocha, Rejoice Ebere, Agina, Emeka Kenechi, Ojiula, Uchemefuna Benjamin (2021) Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions:  Application of Lodging Quality Index Model On Hotels in South East, Nigeria, British Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp.18-35  
How to Cite
Okocha, Ebere, R., Agina, Kenechi, E., Ojiula, & Benjamin, U. (2021). Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions: Application of Lodging Quality Index Model On Hotels in South East, Nigeria. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 9(4), 18-35. Retrieved from