Influence of Collective Bargaining On Industrial Conflict in Public Health Sector Lagos State, Nigeria
collective bargaining, industrial conflict, Lagos State, Nigeria, public health sector
The focus of the paper was on the influence of collective bargaining on industrial conflict using public health sector Lagos state, Nigeria as the unit of analysis. The study identified legal framework for enforcing collective agreement on industrial conflict and relationship between collective bargaining and industrial harmony. A sample size of 252 was obtained through Yamane sample size formula and structured questionnaire was used as the research instrument to elicit information from the respondents. It was found that there exists strong relationship between legal framework for enforcing collective agreement and industrial harmony where r = 0.921. and collective bargaining has significant effect on and industrial harmony (p ? 0.05; t = 0.869). It was concluded that there exists a strong relationship between legal framework for enforcing collective agreement and industrial harmony in Lagos State Public Health Sector and thus, recommended that the frequency of usage of collective bargaining with respect to matters concerning employees’ terms and conditions of employment should be regular and to be the first point of call at any time on labour matters.
How to Cite
Oluwayemi OGINNI, B., Sunday AJIBOLA, K., & Solomon OLANIYAN, T. (2021). Influence of Collective Bargaining On Industrial Conflict in Public Health Sector Lagos State, Nigeria. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 9(4), 36-47. Retrieved from
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