The Effect of Internal Marketing Determinants on Employee Satisfaction

  • Nuha Hassan Elmubasher Eltayib and Azza Babiker Mohamed Ali
Keywords: Empowerment, Internal Communication, Internal Marketing, internal training, motivation and rewards, Organization Culture, performance employers.


This research aims to study the impact of internal marketing on employee satisfaction. It was conducted on several administrative levels employees from banking sector. The research also aims to find out the impact of independent variables namely, in-house training, hiring, rewards, internal communication, salaries and motivation of the organization, on the dependent variable, which is the employee satisfaction. 322 copies of the designed questionnaire were distributed to employees from various levels in Sudanese banks. However, 250 copies of the questionnaire were recovered, and this is 77.6 % of the total number of the distributed copies. The results show that the organization culture has a strong impact on the employee’s satisfaction. This variable came first among other variables, followed by the variables about incentives and rewards regarding the impact on the dependent variable employees. On the other hand, the rest of variables showed a weak impact on the dependent variable either due to lack of employee’s interest, or the lack of their awareness regarding the importance of these variables and the need to apply them in order to improve the performance of employees and increase their efficiency and effectiveness at work. Convenience sampling technique was used to collect data from various Sudanese bank customers in Khartoum; Data was analyzed using SPSS.16. Citation:  Eltayib N.H.E. and Ali A.B.M. (2022) The Effect of Internal Marketing Determinants on Employee Satisfaction, British Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 10, Issue 6, pp.,74-84
How to Cite
Hassan Elmubasher Eltayib and Azza Babiker Mohamed Ali, N. (2022). The Effect of Internal Marketing Determinants on Employee Satisfaction. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 10(6), 74-84.