Effect of Electronic Marketing On Customers Satisfaction Among Deposit Money Banks in Ondo State, Nigeria

  • Taiwo Ibitomi
  • Dada Durotimi Amos
  • Aderotimi Bankole
Keywords: digital, global business, improving, technology.


Electronic marketing (e-marketing) is one of the important tools of the 21st century that helps propel businesses greatly when properly used in the right dimension. Every business in the world now turns to e-marketing for more penetration into the market. Therefore, the banking sector is not excluded from doing this, as they use it to reach out to their customers and also for transactional purposes. The study examined the effect of electronic marketing on customer satisfaction among Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Ondo State, Nigeria. The study objectives was to assess the effect of online, mobile and email marketing on customers satisfaction in Ondo State. A research survey design was used to collect primary data with the help of a questionnaire. The sample size used for the study was 400 respondents selected in the major cities of Ondo State (Akure, Owo, Ikare-Akoko, Ondo, and Okitipupa). The method of data analysis was multiple regression and Analysis of Variance. The findings of the study revealed that there was a significant relationship between mobile marketing and customer satisfaction among DMBs in Ondo State as far as the issue of electronic marketing is concerned; there was also a positive relationship between online advertising and customer satisfaction among DMB customers in Ondo State; and there was a significant relationship between email marketing and customer satisfaction among Deposit Money Banks in Ondo State. Based on this study and the variables used, it was therefore concluded that electronic marketing improves customer satisfaction among the customers of DMBs in Ondo State. The study recommended that DMBs should continue to sensitize customers on the availability of their digital marketing platforms to increase patronage and satisfaction among their customers at all times, as this will improve their knowledge and satisfaction.  
How to Cite
Ibitomi, T., Durotimi Amos, D., & Bankole, A. (2023). Effect of Electronic Marketing On Customers Satisfaction Among Deposit Money Banks in Ondo State, Nigeria. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 11(4), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.37745/bjms.2013/vol11n4117