Service Packaging and Guest Hotel Selection in Umuahia, Abia State

  • C. O, Onyeonoro
  • R.U. Aji
  • G. Imoagene
  • P.N. Ohia
Keywords: Service packaging, core service, convenience service, supporting service, guest patronage.


The study examined the Service packaging and guest hotel selection in Umuahia, Abia State. The objectives of the study are; To examine the influence of core service packaging on guest hotel selection, to determine the influence of convenience service packaging on guest hotel selection, to examine the influence of supportive service packaging on guest hotel selection and to identify the factors affecting service packaging in hotel operations. To achieve the objective of the study, survey research design was adopted. The researcher adopted primary data in getting the required information through the use of structured questionnaire. The population of the study is infinite owing the fact that the total number of hotel customer cannot be ascertained. The sample size of the study is 196 after adopting infinite formula. In analyzing the data, simple descriptive statistics was used. The findings revealed that Core service packaging has a significant influence on guest hotel selection in hotel. The findings also revealed that convenience service packaging has a significant influence on guest hotel selection in hotel. Also supportive service packaging has a significant influence on guest hotel selection in hotel. The study recommends that hotels should invest more on service packaging and ensure that their staff are well trained on service delivery, this will help in enhancing customer patronage in hotels. Also, Hotels should time to time carry out performance evaluation to acknowledge and possibly reward the best performance staff in the area of service delivery. That would help in improving service packaging thereby improving customer patronage.
How to Cite
O, Onyeonoro, C., Aji, R., Imoagene, G., & Ohia, P. (2023). Service Packaging and Guest Hotel Selection in Umuahia, Abia State. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 11(5), 1-28.