Importance-Performance Analysis of the Marine Tourism in Bawean Islands, Indonesia

  • Akhmad Farid
  • Soemarno
  • Marsoedi
  • Budi Setiawan
Keywords: Bawean Islands, Development, Indonesia, IPA, Marine Tourism


Bawean Islands has four main marine tourism objects among another marine tourism. The four of them are Noko island, White-sand beach, Mayangkara beach, and Sangkapura Harbor. Through years, the number of visitor coming to these islands gets decreased. That is why, an evaluation of visitor satisfaction and service quality of Bawean Islands is needed.The evaluation method used was importance performance analysis (IPA) by comparing performance and importance of supporting Bawean Island marine tourism development. Bawean can be considered to be accommodation facility, cleanliness performance, and availability of public bathing, washing and toilet facilities. From the importance rate, the visitors commonly think that beauty and originality of Bawean marine tourism object is quite important to develop Bawean marine tourism since ecologically, the four tourism objects have a super excellent ecology.
How to Cite
Farid, A., Soemarno, Marsoedi, & Setiawan, B. (2013). Importance-Performance Analysis of the Marine Tourism in Bawean Islands, Indonesia. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 1(2), 33-41. Retrieved from