Online Marketing and Consumer Purchase Behaviour: A Study of Nigerian Firms

  • Gabriel K Jenyo
  • Kolapo M. Soyoye
  • Gloria A. Nwankwo


Businesses are spending more on and partaking in online marketing than ever before, the world over. Understanding the consumer behavioural factors that influence e-marketing effectiveness is crucial. While some researchers have addressed this issue, few studies draw their conclusions focusing on the customers’ angle. More also is the fact that the study of the developing countries in this regards have been lesser than expected. The work seeks to validate empirically, while analyzing Nigeria firm engaging in internet marketing, the impact of the same on consumers’ purchase behaviour. We seek to understand to what extent the functionality of the infrastructure of the internet and the internet security issues impact consumers’ decision to eventually purchase. The survey research used a structured questionnaire to elicit data from selected firms in Lagos State, Nigeria. A reliable Cronbach’s Alpha was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire. The data was analyzed using simple regression while the hypotheses drawn were tested. The findings show that online marketing has impacted consumer purchase decisions in Nigeria firms. There is a significant relationship between consumer purchase decisions and infrastructure of the internet in Nigeria. There also exists relationship between internet security and consumer purchase behaviour. These simply imply that one variable influences the other
How to Cite
K Jenyo, G., M. Soyoye, K., & A. Nwankwo, G. (2015). Online Marketing and Consumer Purchase Behaviour: A Study of Nigerian Firms. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 3(7), 1-14. Retrieved from