Perception Analysis and Consumer Behaviour on Purchasing Shell Helix Lubricate Oil Product by Pt. Tira Wira Usaha

  • Lazarus Sinaga
  • Tiolina Evi
Keywords: Consumer Behaviour, Perception, Product, Purchasing, Respondent


At present most companies not only produce products and sell them,  but switch to consumers to meet their needs and wants. Environmental factors, technological developments and corporate competition will affect the value and consumer satisfaction towards the products offered. Marketing is a social and managerial process whereby individuals and groups get their needs and wants by creating, offering and exchanging something of value to each other. Products are things that can be offered to the market to be noticed, obtained, used or consumed that can meet the wants or needs of consumers.Consumer's age of Shell Helix lubricants varies in meaning that can be used by all ages and the most user of Shell Helix lubricants are aged 26 - 30 years. Consumer perceptions towards product attributes on consumer behaviour towards Shell Helix lubricant oil purchasing turns out  to have a  significant effect.
How to Cite
Sinaga, L., & Evi, T. (2019). Perception Analysis and Consumer Behaviour on Purchasing Shell Helix Lubricate Oil Product by Pt. Tira Wira Usaha. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 7(4), 59-75. Retrieved from