Determinants of Students’ Choice of Higher Education in a Private University, Ghana

  • Rexford Owusu Okyireh
  • Marijke A. Adobea Okyireh and Isaac Nyarko Adu
Keywords: education in Ghana, Higher Education, Private University, student's choice


The quest to seek higher education continues unabated and this is seen in the number of private universities in Ghana. These universities offer programs targeted at students hence, all marketing activities are student-centered which also makes them attractive. Higher institutions try different strategies to be seen as an ideal destination for students who desire a place for learning but are often beset with selection issues. The study used a sample of 327 with a convenient sampling technique to solicit views from respondents. The study revealed that both Anglophone and Francophone countries ranked university infrastructure as the most important factor when it comes to students selecting a private university. Quality teaching was ranked second and the least ranked factor was ease of movement. The study further revealed that students got to know about the university through advertisement followed by the alumni. The study discussed implication for theory and practice.  
How to Cite
Owusu Okyireh, R., & A. Adobea Okyireh and Isaac Nyarko Adu, M. (2020). Determinants of Students’ Choice of Higher Education in a Private University, Ghana. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 8(2), 37-53.