Customer Loyalty and Patronage of Quick Service Restaurant in Nigeria
Awka, Customer loyalty, Nigeria, Patronage, restaurant
This paper assessed the product and seller factors including menu quality, price fairness, personnel quality, restaurant image, restaurant’s atmosphere, customer trust, and customer loyalty that drive customer loyalty and patronage in quick service restaurants in Nigeria, using Awka capital territory of Anambra State as a case. Survey research design was adopted in which 399 patrons were sampled. The questionnaire was used to source the primary data for the study. Frequency tables, percentages correlation were applied in the data analyses. The study found a significant positive relationship between price fairness, food quality, firm’s personnel quality, customer trust, restaurant image, and restaurant’s atmosphere and customer loyalty. Positive relationship was also found between customer loyalty and customer patronage. The study recommended that managers should constantly re-strategize by re-inventing their firm with novel programs that will excite the beliefs system and emotion of the patrons so as to ensure continued patronage and, firm’s profitability.
How to Cite
Njelita, I. and Anyasor, C., & Marcus, O. (2020). Customer Loyalty and Patronage of Quick Service Restaurant in Nigeria. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 8(2), 54-76.
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