Experience Era & Marketing 4.0: The Four Primary Marketer' Roles

  • Edson Coutinho da Silva
Keywords: Content, Customer, Experience, Innovation, marketer


This theoretical paper aims to approach the ‘new’ era in which experience and content marketing are integrated to add value to the customer, the key elements for customer experience management programmes and primary roles for marketers to become innovators. Over three decades marketing practices have transformed and absorbed innovation techniques to understand customer’s behaviour, improve services quality and gain customer satisfaction and loyalty. Then, experience, contents, data-driven, customer journey, service design, digital technologies and agile methodologies were included in the marketing vocabulary. Marketers became innovators inasmuch they need to handle and integrate these concepts, techniques, methodologies, and technologies. In general, four new roles have required marketers, such as Scientist, Strategist, Storybuilders and Socialisers performing in cross-organizational teams as well as multichannel platforms. Marketers have pushed for design and organising outstanding experiences to engage customers to share their energy, passion and contagious enthusiasm for products, services, or brands.
How to Cite
Coutinho da Silva, E. (2021). Experience Era & Marketing 4.0: The Four Primary Marketer’ Roles. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 9(2), 1-11. Retrieved from https://bjmsjournal.org/index.php/bjms/article/view/308