Digital Marketing and Performance of Banks in Port Harcourt

  • Piabari
  • Nordum
  • Horsfall
  • Hamilton Omona-a
  • Uwhubetine
  • Onajite Godfrey
  • Okpalap
  • Naagba Linus
Keywords: Banks’, Digital Marketing, Performance, Port Harcourt


The study examined digital marketing and performance of selected banks in Port Harcourt. A descriptive survey research design was used for the study.  The study adopted structure questionnaire instrument for data collection with a judgmental sampling method targeted on three money deposit banks which include, First Bank Plc, Access Bank Plc and First City Monument Banks in Port Harcourt.  The sample size was 30 and 10 respondents were selected from the three banks and the unit of analysis are customers, managers, internal control managers and general managers. Data collected were analyzed with Pearson product moment correlation (PPMC) and simple regression analysis statistical tools at 0.05 percent level of significance. The result showed that there is a significant relationship between content marketing, social media marketing, etc. and customer patronage of selected banks in Port Harcourt. The study recommended among others that customer care service unit should create a friendly relationship with their customers.
How to Cite
Piabari, Nordum, Horsfall, Omona-a, H., Uwhubetine, Godfrey, O., Okpalap, & Linus, N. (2022). Digital Marketing and Performance of Banks in Port Harcourt. British Journal of Marketing Studies, 10(5), 1-10.